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Usage Statistics Documentation

usage statistics option

  1. Accessing Usage Statistics: Administrators can access the Usage Statistics feature by clicking on the profile icon, revealing an option to view usage statistics.


    Usage Statistics Upon selecting Usage Statistics, a card is presented, displaying the names of various tables capturing different aspects of system usage.

    Tables include:

    • Dataset Revisions per Week

    • Most Edited Datasets

    • Largest Groups

    • Top Tags

    • Users Creating Most Datasets

    • Total Number of Datasets

    Interacting with Tables:

    Administrators have the option to interact with the tables in two ways:

    • Clickable Names: By clicking on the name of a table, administrators can view detailed information within that specific table.

    • Scrolling: Administrators can scroll through the down to view all the tables and their respective statistics.

      1. Dataset Revisions per Week:

      Dataset Revisions per Week

      This table displays the dataset revisions and new datasets created per week.

      • Date: The specific date of the dataset revisions.
      • All Dataset Revisions: The total number of revisions made to all datasets on that date.
      • New Datasets: The number of new datasets created on that date.
      1. Most Edited Datasets:

      Most Edited Datasets

      This table identifies the most edited datasets, showcasing the dataset name and the corresponding number of edits.

      • Dataset (Clickable): Clicking on the dataset name navigates to detailed information about that specific dataset.
      • Number of Edits: Indicates how many times the dataset has been edited.
      1. Largest Groups:

      Largest Groups

      This table highlights groups with the highest number of datasets, providing insights into active and influential user communities.

      • Group: Clicking on the group name leads to detailed information about that specific group.
      • Number of Datasets: Indicates the total number of datasets associated with the group.
      1. Top Tags:

      Top Tags

      This table lists the top tags based on the number of datasets associated with each tag.

      • Tag Name: Clicking on the tag name provides additional details about datasets tagged with that specific category.
      • Number of Datasets: Indicates the total number of datasets tagged with a particular category.
      1. Users Creating Most Datasets:

      Users Creating Most Datasets

      This table recognizes users who have created the most datasets, displaying the user name and the corresponding number of datasets created.

      • User: Clicking on the user name leads to detailed information about that specific user.
      • Number of Datasets: Indicates how many datasets the user has created.
      1. Total Number of Datasets:

      Total Number of Datasets

      This table provides a snapshot of the total number of datasets on specific dates.

      • Date: The date for which the total number of datasets is recorded.
      • Total Datasets: The overall count of datasets available on that date.