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Building the dev environment

This section covers the process of building and running the application from your IDE.

🚩 NOTE: Make sure you have gone through the IDE Setup Process before following these notes.

Setting Up a Development Environment

Developers should follow the provided instructions to establish their development environment, ensuring consistency in tools and configurations across the team while fostering collaboration. This streamlined approach also boosts productivity, simplifies scalability, and bolsters security by isolating sensitive data.

Below are the steps to effectively and accurately set up a productive developer environment:

👩‍💻 Getting the Source Code

To contribute to the project, you need to fork and clone the repository. This allows you to view and edit the code in your own repository, from which you can create pull requests to merge any changes.

1. Navigate to the GitHub Repository

Go to the SAEOSS-Portal GitHub Repository:

2. Fork the Repository

Follow the instructions for setting up a proper developer environment, which includes forking the repository.


3. Navigate to Your Forked GitHub Repository

Access your forked repository, usually found in your personal repositories, at:{Your-Github-Handle}/SAEOSS-Portal

NOTE: Replace {Your-Github-Handle} with your GitHub handle name to fork your repository.

4. Clone the Repository

Clone the forked repository to your local machine using Git. This allows you to make changes to the code.

git clone{Your-Github-Handle}/SAEOSS-Portal.git

5. Create a New Branch

Before making any changes, create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. This keeps your changes isolated from the main branch.

git branch {name_of_your_new_branch}

NOTE: Replace {name_of_your_new_branch} with the preferred name of your branch.

You can also clone the main repository, but this workflow is generally not recommended. We strongly advise developers to follow the aforementioned workflow.

git clone

🪧 Now that you have the built the project, move on to the Design documentation.