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The Project SCRUM board serves a vital role in managing and tracking progress of tickets, and testing of functionalities. The & columns of the board represent the life cycle of the ticket, from creation to completion. Teams plan weekly sprints assigning tickets to be worked on to team members, and discussing next tickets to be worked on in the following sprint.

In general this board is reviewed weekly in discussions with the client to ensure the project is steered in the preferred direction of development. Once a ticket has been placed in the ready column it is the responsibility of the client to test that the functionalities have been implemented and are working in the desired manner. If the functionality is found to be satisfactory the client may close the ticket, or move it to the done column.

The SCRUM board for SAEOSS-portal can be found Here.

NOTE: The project SCRUM board is protected and users need to request access from their administrator or team lead to view the board.

NOTE: The order of issues on the SCRUM board will dictate the order of working on the tickets, meaning if the developer is blocked on a ticket he will default to working on the next ticket in the line.

Scrum Board

SCRUM Board Columns

  • No Status - Tickets not ready to be worked on yet or have been reverted due to a technical blocker. This column is also referred to as the backlog and serves as a placeholder for all tickets which need to be addressed.

  • To Be Estimated - This column serves as a planning column where tickets are moved when planning the weekly sprint. Tickets are sized and assigned to team members.

  • Todo - These are tickets which were planned for the current week sprint and are tickets the development team will draw work from.

  • In Progress - These are tickets the development team is currently working on.

  • Review - Tickets in review are usually addressed by internal testers to ensure the functionalities have been correctly implemented and are functioning as expected.

  • Ready - Tickets in the ready column are tickets which have passed internal testing and are made available for the client to review. Once the client has found the work done to resolve the ticket satisfactory they can close the ticket with a comment.

  • Done - This column is reserved for tickets which have been implemented, tested and ultimately accepted by the client, marking development of the ticket as done.

NOTE: If a ticket is deemed to be incomplete or not satisfactory, a comment should be made and the ticket should be moved back to the "No Status" column. Accompanying screenshots and comments should clearly describe why development is incomplete.