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Test Locally

Testing uses some additional configuration:

  • The docker/ file has an additional ckan-test-db service, with a DB that is uses solely for automated testing.
  • The docker/ckan-test-settings.ini file defines the test settings. It must be explicitly passed as the config file to use when running the tests

To run the tests you will need to:

  1. Install the development dependencies beforehand, as the docker images do not have them. Run:
docker exec -ti {container-name} poetry install
  1. Initialize the db - this is only needed the first time (the dev stack uses volumes to persist the DB)
docker exec -ti saeoss-ckan-web-1 poetry run ckan --config docker/ckan-test-settings.ini db init
docker exec -ti saeoss-ckan-web-1 poetry run ckan --config docker/ckan-test-settings.ini harvester initdb
docker exec -ti saeoss-ckan-web-1 poetry run ckan --config docker/ckan-test-settings.ini db upgrade -p saeoss
  1. When there are model changes you will need to upgrade the DB too. Run this:
docker exec -ti saeoss-ckan-web-1 poetry run ckan --config docker/ckan-test-settings.ini db upgrade -p saeoss
  1. Run the tests with pytest. We use markers to differentiate between unit and integration tests. Run them like this:
# run all tests
docker exec -ti saeoss-ckan-web-1 poetry run pytest --ckan-ini docker/ckan-test-settings.ini

# run only unit tests
docker exec -ti saeoss-ckan-web-1 poetry run pytest --ckan-ini docker/ckan-test-settings.ini -m unit

# run only integration tests
docker exec -ti saeoss-ckan-web-1 poetry run pytest --ckan-ini docker/ckan-test-settings.ini -m integration