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User Manual

This section of the documentation describes every page in the application and what the various components of that page do. The manual is intended to function as a reference for the application. For narrative/workflow-based tutorials, users may prefer to work through our user guide.

  • Home Page: This is the landing page that users arrive on when they open the site.
  • Sign Up: This is the Sign Up page where the user can create an account.
  • Login: This is the Login page from here the user can log in.
  • Forgot Password: This is the Forgot Password page from here the user can reset their password.
  • Dashboard: This is a central notification hub for communications from the SAEOSS-Portal platform.
  • Profile: The profile page provides a preview of what a user's profile will look like when viewed by other users on the platform.
  • Profile Settings: On the profile settings page, all user profile-related settings can be managed.
  • Metadata: This is the Metadata page where users can upload new records.
  • Saved Searches: This page allows users to reapply previous search criteria.
  • Map: This interface displays footprints of datasets in polygon format by displaying the boundary that is covered by the respective metadata record.
  • Organisations: This is the Organisations page that allows all users to see all organisations on the platform.
  • About: This is the About page where users can learn more about the site.
  • Help: The help page is the documentation site.
  • Log Out: This is the Log Out page from here the user can log out.
  • User Roles: Access to data and functionalities on the SAEOSS-Portal platform is governed by user roles and permissions.