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SANS 1878 research

6.1. Metadata shall be provided for geographic datasets and may, optionally, also be provided for aggregations of datasets, features and attributes of features.

Core metadata elements

As described in Table 2 - Core metadata for geographic datasets

Element Obligation and Condition Exists in stock CKAN
Dataset title Mandatory Yes
Dataset reference date Mandatory No
Dataset responsible party Mandatory Yes*
Geographic location of the dataset (by four coordinates or by geographic identifier) Mandatory No
Dataset language Mandatory No
Dataset character set Mandatory No
Dataset topic category Mandatory No
Spatial resolution of the dataset Mandatory No
Abstract describing the dataset Mandatory Yes*
Distribution format Mandatory No
Additional extent information for the dataset (vertical and temporal) Optional No
Spatial representation type Mandatory No
Reference system Mandatory No
Lineage statement Mandatory No
On-line resource Conditional Yes
Metadata file identifier Mandatory Yes
Metadata standard name Conditional No
Metadata standard version Conditional No
Metadata language Mandatory No
Metadata character set Mandatory No
Metadata point of contact Mandatory Yes
Metadata date stamp Mandatory Yes

Additional elements

As found scattered throughout the SANS 1878 document

Name Obligation and condition
hierarchyLevel Mandatory
referenceSystemInfo Mandatory
metadataMaintenance Optional
purpose Mandatory
acknowledgement Optional
status Mandatory
resourceMaintenance Optional
descriptiveKeywords Optional
resourceSpecificUsage Optional
graphicOverview Optional
resourceConstraints Optional
MetadataConstraints Optional

STAC API research

STAC is a standardized way to expose collections of spatial temporal data. If you are a provider of data about the earth needing to catalog your holdings, STAC is driving a uniform means for indexing assets.

At its core, the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification provides a common structure for describing and cataloguing spatio-temporal assets.

A spatio-temporal asset is any file that represents information about the earth captured in a certain space and time.

The STAC Specification

The STAC Specification consists of 4 semi-independent specifications. Each can be used alone, but they work best in concert with one another.

  • STAC Item is the core atomic unit, representing a single spatio-temporal asset as a GeoJSON feature plus datetime and links.

  • STAC Catalog is a simple, flexible JSON file of links that provides a structure to organize and browse STAC Items. A series of best practices helps make recommendations for creating real world STAC Catalogs.

  • STAC Collection is an extension of the STAC Catalog with additional information such as the extents, license, keywords, providers, etc that describe STAC Items that fall within the Collection.

  • STAC API provides a RESTful endpoint that enables search of STAC Items, specified in OpenAPI, following OGC's WFS 3.

Examples of STAC files

This JSON is what would be expected from an API that only implements STAC API - Core. It is a valid STAC Catalog with additional Links and a conformsTo attribute. In practice, most APIs will also implement other conformance classes, and those will be reflected in the links and conformsTo attribute. A more typical Landing Page example is in the overview document.

This particular catalog provides both the ability to browse down to child Catalog objects through its child links, and also provides the search endpoint to be able to search across items in its collections. Note that some of those links are not required and other servers may provide different conformance classes and a different set of links.

    "stac_version": "1.0.0",
    "id": "example-stac",
    "title": "A simple STAC API Example",
    "description": "This Catalog aims to demonstrate a simple landing page",
    "type": "Catalog",
    "conformsTo" : [
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "root",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "service-desc",
            "type": "application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.0",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "service-doc",
            "type": "text/html",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "child",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "child",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""

For more information about STAC please visit

Upload Metadata

Add Metadata via file upload

  • Metadata can be added via file upload on the Metadata page (http://{sitename}/dataset/)
  • This supports xml, json and yaml files Upload Button

Please note the file needs to conform SANS 1878

Below is an example of mandatory fields in xml format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>``
        <title>test 2</title>
        <notes>Abstract from the dataset</notes>
        <ResponsiblePartyIndividualName>Hugh Mann</ResponsiblePartyIndividualName>
        <ResponsiblePartyRole>Point of contact</ResponsiblePartyRole>
        <spatial>-22.1265,16.4699,-34.8212,32.8931, -22.1265</spatial>
        <DistributionFormatName>format name</DistributionFormatName>

Below is an example of mandatory fields in yaml format

  title: test-from-xml
  MetadataStandardName: SANS1878
  MetadataStandardVersion: 1
  notes: Abstract from the dataset
  ResponsiblePartyIndividualName: Hugh Mann
  ResponsiblePartyPositionName: Person
  ResponsiblePartyRole: Point of contact
  IsoTopicCategory: society
  OwnerOrg: kartoza
  private: False
  lineage_statement: test
  spatial: -22.1265,16.4699,-34.8212,32.8931, -22.1265
  EquivalentScale: 0
  SpatialRepresentationType: 001
  SpatialReferenceSystem: EPSG:4326
  ReferenceDate: 2004-11-03T01:00:00
  ReferenceDateType: Publication
  StampDate: 2004-11-03T00:12:00
  StampDateType: Creation
  DistributionFormatName: format name
  DistributionFormatVersion: 1.0
  DatasetLanguage: english
  MetadataLanguage: English
  DatasetCharacterset: UCS-2
  MetadataCharacterset: UCS-2

Below is an example of mandatory fields in json format

  "dataset": {
    "title": "test-from-xml",
    "MetadataStandardName": "SANS1878",
    "MetadataStandardVersion": 1,
    "notes": "Abstract from the dataset",
    "ResponsiblePartyIndividualName": "Hugh Mann",
    "ResponsiblePartyPositionName": "Person",
    "ResponsiblePartyRole": "Point of contact",
    "ResponsiblePartyElectronicMailAddress": "",
    "IsoTopicCategory": "society",
    "OwnerOrg": "kartoza",
    "private": "False",
    "lineage_statement": "test",
    "spatial": "-22.1265,16.4699,-34.8212,32.8931, -22.1265",
    "EquivalentScale": 0,
    "SpatialRepresentationType": 1,
    "SpatialReferenceSystem": "EPSG:4326",
    "ReferenceDate": "2004-11-03T01:00:00",
    "ReferenceDateType": "Publication",
    "StampDate": "2004-11-03T00:12:00",
    "StampDateType": "Creation",
    "DistributionFormatName": "format name",
    "DistributionFormatVersion": 1,
    "DatasetLanguage": "english",
    "MetadataLanguage": "English",
    "DatasetCharacterset": "UCS-2",
    "MetadataCharacterset": "UCS-2"