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Essential Software

Essential Software

In this section we will enumerate all of the software packages you should have installed on your computer. There are some items that can be considered optional, but you should be aware of all of these tools and install them when and as the need arises.

In addition to essential software, there are many useful packages that you should be aware of that can be occassionally used to improve your productivity. Tim maintains a list of these declaratively in his Nix Config Repo.

Graphical Applications



URL: Purpose: Notes:


URL: Purpose: Taking annotated screenshots efficiently Notes: I map Ctrl-4 to the tool in gnome like this:

Flameshot Shortcut



URL: Purpose: Office productivity suite. Notes:




URL: Purpose: Relational database management system with GIS support. Notes:

Console applications

These are applications used from the command line.

Asciinema 🎞️

URL: Purpose: Terminal session screen recorder Notes:

Nixos packages: * asciinema * asciinema-agg * asciinema-scenario

bat 🔧

bat is a modern alternative to 'cat'. It lists the contents of a file on stdout.

bat screenshot

Nixos packages: bat


btop : A modern alternative to top - list the running processes on your system |🔧

btop screenshot

Nixos packages: btop


byobu screenshot byobu | Terminal multiplexer |🔧 comma # handy "nix-shell -p" shortcut - just do ", programmename" and it does rather "nix-shell -p programmename" cowsay | Useful tool to say stuff with the persona of a cow |🔧 exa |Modern alternative to ls - lists files |🔧 fd | Modern alternative to find - finds files |🔧 ffmpeg_5-full | Free MPEG encoder |🎞️ figlet | Make ASCII text titles |🔧 git | Version control management tools |🔧 gotop | go based top - list the running processes on your system |🩺 iftop | list the network traffic on a network interface|🩺 imagemagickBig | command line based image manipulation |✏️ lazydocker | helpful docker command line docker ui |🔧 lazygit | helful git command line ui|🔧 mc | console based file manager |📁 ncdu | disk usage reporting too | 🖴 neofetch | show useful system info (I have it show whenever I open a terminal) |🔧 nethogs | show which processes are consuming bandwidth on your machine |🔧 nix-direnv | Automatically set up your dev env when you enter a directory. |🔧 pgcli | More modern postgres terminal client |🔧 wget | Fetch files from the internet in your console |🔧 dua | better du command |🔧 exa | better ls command |🔧 fish | fish shell like bash but with lots of goodies |🔧 gping | a better ping implementation |🔧 kitty | nicer terminal emulator with a lot of cool features |🔧 lftp | for remote backups |🔧 ranger | console file manager |📁 powertop | swee what apps use the most power on your machine |🔧 restic | for local backups |🔧 unzip | unzip stuff |🔧 usbutils | lsusb etc |🔧

Git & GitHub Account


URL: Purpose: Version control of digital assets Notes: Although GitHub is not Git, you need to be set up to work on github.

Auxilliary applications:

Gui apps

Name Description Type
audacity Sound file editor 🎤
blender 3D Graphical Scene Modelling 📦️
dbeaver Database IDE and diagram generator 🛢️
deja-dup Backup Application 🖴
emote Emoji picker (invoke with ctrl-alt-e) 😀
drawio Diagraming tool ✏️
flameshot Screenshot tool 🖥️
gimp Raster painting / image creation tool ✏️
gnome.gnome-sound-recorder Simple voice / recorder 🎤
gnome.gnome-terminal Terminal application for command line work
firefox Web Browser 🌐
google-chrome Google's ubiquitous web browser 🌐
gpick Colour picker ✏️
inkscape Vector art / graphics application ✏️
kdenlive Timeline based video editor 🎞️
keepassxc Offline password vault 🔑
nextcloud-client Sync client for NextCloud 🌐
obs-studio Screencasting application 🎞️
paperwork Document manager 🗎
qtcreator C++ IDE for Qt5/6 🔧
slack Chat tool for company communications 💬
synfigstudio 2D animation studio ✏️
tdesktop Telegram chat client 💬
vscode Multi-language IDE 🔧
xournalpp PDF annotation / editing tool ✏️
citations Citation manager 🗎
emblem Modern emjoi browser (alternative to emote) - needs Gnome 44 😀
eyedropper Colour picker (alternative to gpick) - needs Gnome 44 ✏️
lorem Lorem ipsum text generato - needs Gnome 44 🗎
solanum - needs Gnome 44
zap Sound effects board - needs Gnome 44 🎤