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Kartoza's Strategic Objective

The Kartoza Strategic Objective is the basis for all corporate and individual decision making.

Statistically we are the largest FOSS geospatial service provider in South Africa and in the top ten globally.

We show up on the first page of and searches for these keywords: 'open source GIS'; 'FOSS GIS training'; 'FOSS GIS support'; 'geospatial web development'; 'QGIS development'

We aim to grow Kartoza revenue by 15% year on year.

We aim to grow our staff complement on a sustainable basis till we reach around 25.

We understand that every result is preceded by a 1-2-3-4 step process. It is within these processes that we spend our time, as we relentlessly "work" the systems of the business to perfection.

Our guiding documents are this Strategic Objective, Our Kartoza Operating Principles, and our collection of Working Procedures.

Kartoza's primary offerings are geospatial products and services using Free and Open Source Software. These facilitate spatial decision making and provide tools for economic empowerment.

Through intense commitment to our employees, we will contribute to the success of our clients. The consequence of having loyal, smart, hard-working, long-term, and well-compensated staff is superb quality service to customers.

Our business is complex, with many human, mechanical and computer systems in simultaneous motion. Success depends on refined communication and organisational processes, dedicated staff, documented procedures, first-class office space and equipment, rigorous quality assurance with continuous measurement, assertive innovation, intense planned maintenance and system improvement, aggressive and measured marketing, and relentless attention to detail in every nook and cranny.

Our competitive advantages include an established track record, our ability to solve complex problems with great design, products designed around the unique needs of the customer, thoughtful customer service that is immediate and consistent, the latest high-tech equipment and personal and corporate integrity. We use extraordinarily efficient business systems. We constantly refine and improve all internal systems and mechanisms.

To grow, we follow a two-pronged strategy of:

  1. Pursuing substantial consulting, development and implementation projects in our target markets
  2. Building products and services that generate passive income, juxtaposed with assertive marketing efforts.

Although we tightly direct Kartoza's operation through guiding documentation, we will modify that documentation immediately if an enhancement can be made: "Our operational framework is rigid, but that framework can be modified instantly."

We segment responsibilities into specialised "expert compartments" with appropriate cross-training among departments. We have backup personnel for all positions.

Kartoza is globally active and locally relevant. Our primary vertical markets include:

  • Agriculture
  • Disaster preparedness, response and management
  • Land information management
  • Education
  • Humanitarian support
  • SDI support
  • Monitoring and observation
  • Biodiversity and conservation support

Kartoza aims to model itself on the concept of a B-Corporation, in the sense that through the work we do and the people we employ, we aim to be socially and environmentally responsible.