Standardise on the frameworks used to encourage collaboration and efficiency.
Cross platform
- See the cross platform section.
- tauri (js/ rust): Uses a rust backend and javascript frontend as a more performant alternative to electron, which bundles chromium into every build.
If you're not going native, use the cross platform frameworks please.
- Django (python): Default to django. It's batteries included.
- Flask (python): Light weight python server
- FastApi (python): It's shiny, but pretty great. If you're a fan of starlette and async, and you only want a REST API, FastApi is where you might want to head. 90% of the time, use django+drf, or extend flask (more of the team can help you out there too). If you have to ask if you should use it, you probably shouldn't.
- Express (js): Serverside js.
- NextJS (js): Serverside react.
- Rails (ruby): If you are using or extending something in ruby (not recommended)
- tauri: Uses a rust backend and javascript frontend as a more performant alternative to electron, which bundles chromium into every build.
Use Material Mkdocs
Default to Hugo.
OpenLayers, Leaflet, and CesiumJS. Turf.js, MapLibre. GeoDjango. pg_featureserv/ pg_tilserv.
Ensuring that consistent UI component libraries are used improves quality, efficiency, and consistency across applications and the overall UX.
CSS frameworks
Bootstrap, bulma, tailwind
Component libraries
Nobody will stop you from starting an app in kotlin, but it's unlikely to get the momentum or collaboration that is desired within the organisation.