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Service file

The connection service file stores connection parameters to be associated with a single service name. That service name can then be specified by a libpq connection, and the associated settings will be used. This allows connection parameters to be modified without requiring a recompile of the libpq application. The service name can also be specified using the PGSERVICE environment variable. More information on the service file can be found here:

A service file is essential to work for the DB the user needs to set up. The service file can contain several DBs, and the credentials, host, DB name, etc. of each database.

These steps are only required if the service file does not exist on the server: - Create a new file in a folder where your prefer to store it - Name the file "pg_service.conf"

Add the DB which will be restored/created to the service file as follows: - Open the service file in a text editor - Add the following based on the requirements for the database which will be created/restored

Service file

  • Save the file

If the user is making use of Windows, the user needs to create the environmental variable for the service file location. These steps can be ignored on Linux.

  • In the Windows search, type "environment"
  • Select Edit the system environmental variables

Windows environment

  • The System Properties dialog will open
  • Click on Environmental Variables at the bottom

Windows system

  • The Environmental Variables dialog will open

Windows environmental variables

  • Under system variables, click New
  • Provide the following information:
  • Variable name: PGSYSCONFDIR
  • Variable value: The directory which contains the service file

Windows environment new

  • Click OK
  • The user can now close the Environmental Variables dialog