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MkDocs PDF

Serving a local clone of this documentation with docker is as simple as docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material.

This process walks through attempting to setup an environment with Docker that will produce PDF documentation for a MkDocs site with A MkDocs-Material Theme (Like this one).

Docker environment

Create a dockerfile with the relevant dependencies in line with the mkdocs-material docs and the mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin.

FROM squidfunk/mkdocs-material:8.2.15

# RUN pip install mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin

# Thanks to:

RUN apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .tmp-build-deps \
    gcc libc-dev linux-headers \
    && apk add musl-dev jpeg-dev zlib-dev libffi-dev cairo-dev pango-dev gdk-pixbuf

RUN python -m pip install --upgrade pip && \
    python -m pip install mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin

# Set working directory

# Expose MkDocs development server port

# Start development server by default
ENTRYPOINT ["mkdocs"]
CMD ["serve", "--dev-addr="]

Now create the custom mkdocs-material docker image with the command docker build -t my-mkdocs ..

Export Single PDF

To build the updated documentation and produce the output pdf, edit the mkdocs.yml file to include the plugin with the "combined" option set to true:

  - search
  - pdf-export:
      verbose: true
      media_type: print
      combined: true
      combined_output_path: pdf/TheKartozaHandbook.pdf

Then use the following command to build the docs

docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/docs my-mkdocs build

PDF Export Plugin

The PDF export plugin can also be used to add a "download pdf" for each page. To try this out, edit the mkdocs.yml file to include the plugin:

  - search
  - pdf-export

Now you can run the documentation with the command:

docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/docs my-mkdocs

Note that setting the "combined" option to true when service the documentation with the plugin will automatically point all download links to the collated file and individual page exports will not be available.

This docker file takes rather a long time to start up...

The docker logs will hang while the documentation is built. This is much slower with the PDF export plugin and using the default mkdocs-material image and configuration will be much faster for simple site builds. The expected docker logs output might be as follows:

INFO     -  Cleaning site directory
INFO     -  The following pages exist in the docs directory, but are not included in the "nav" configuration:
  - development/conventions/
  - development/conventions/
  - development/conventions/
  - development/conventions/
  - development/environments/
  - development/environments/vscode/
  - development/environments/vscode/
  - development/technologies/
  - development/technologies/
  - devops/infrastructure/
  - devops/infrastructure/
  - devops/security/
  - library/cheatsheets/
  - library/cheatsheets/
  - library/media/
  - library/tutorials/general/
  - library/tutorials/general/
  - library/tutorials/general/
  - library/tutorials/general/
  - library/tutorials/links/
  - library/tutorials/qgis/

After a long wait period, the docker log should let you know the system is running and you can access the site on your local machine from the URL

INFO     -  Documentation built in 224.82 seconds
INFO     -  [11:40:10] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml'
INFO     -  [11:40:10] Serving on

Once it's built it should include a pdf export button at the top of each page.


  • Add theming/ customization
  • Incorporate into GitHub Pages site and actions
  • Add static collated pdf version (and download link) to published docs