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Organisation Information: Africa RangeLand Watch (ARW)

Click on the 1️⃣ Organisation Information from the left navigation bar to access the organisation information page.

Organisation Information Page

My Organisations

Default Organisations

How to Add Organisation Members

Enter the 1️⃣ Email address of the person you wish to add as a member of the organisation. You can also include a 2️⃣ Custom Message. To cancel the process, click on the 3️⃣ Cancel button. Otherwise, click on the 4️⃣ Invite button to send the invitation.

Add Member Form


You can view the list of individuals requested to join the organisation in the 1️⃣ Invitation section. This includes their 2️⃣ Emails and corresponding 3️⃣ Status. If the organisation manager accepts the invitation, the status will update to Joined otherwise, it will remain as Pending.


Join organisation as a member

If you join the organisation as a member, you will receive different tabs and options.

As you can see in the image below, 1️⃣ Test 2 is the organisation name, 2️⃣ Search field allows you to search for members in the organisation, 3️⃣ User email addresses represent the organisation members, and the corresponding 4️⃣ Role of each user in the organisation is displayed.

Join Organisation As Member UI