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Support Page: Africa RangeLand Watch (ARW)

To access the support page of the ARW you have to click on the 1️⃣ Support tab on the left menu bar.

Support Page

How to Create Ticket?

By clicking the 1️⃣ Create Ticket button, you will be redirected to a new page where you can provide the necessary details to create a new ticket.

Create Ticket Button

This is the interface of the Create Ticket page. To create a new ticket, start by selecting the 1️⃣ Issue Type (e.g., Bug, Feature Request) from the drop-down menu. Next, enter the 2️⃣ Issue Title to describe the issue. If needed, you can upload relevant files in the 3️⃣ Upload Attachments section. Provide more context by filling out the 4️⃣ Additional Details field. Once all the information is complete, click on the 6️⃣ Submit button to create the ticket, or select 5️⃣ Cancel to cancel the request.

UI Create Ticket

  • After successfully submitting the ticket, a 1️⃣ Toast notification with confirmation message your support ticket has been added will appear.

    Toast Notification

  • Your submitted ticket will be added to the support page.

    Support Page

How to Upload Attachments?

Note: You can upload only 1 attachment.

  • To upload attachments, click on the 1️⃣ Upload Attachments Field, this will open a new window where you can select the file you want to upload.

    Upload Attachment

  • Select your desired file 1️⃣ file and click on the 2️⃣ Open button to proceed with the file or you can terminate the process by clicking on the 3️⃣ Close button.

    File explorer

  • As you can see in the below image, after completing the process your desired file 1️⃣ file will be uploaded successfully.

    Uploaded Attachment

How to Remove Attachments?

  • Click on the 1️⃣ Remove button to remove the attached file.

    Remove Uploaded Attachment

  • As you can see in the below image there file attached after clicking on the Remove button.

    Removed Uploaded Attachment

How to Edit Attachment?

  • Click on the 1️⃣ Field to edit the attachment. This open the file explorer to select the attachment file.

    Remove Uploaded Attachment

  • Select your desired file 1️⃣ file and click on the 2️⃣ Open button to proceed with the file or you can terminate the process by clicking on the 3️⃣ Close button.

    File explorer

  • As you can see in the below image, after completing the process your attached file 1️⃣ File will be updated successfully.

    Updated Attachment

How to Filter Tickets?