Profile: Africa RangeLand Watch (ARW)¶
Click on the 1️⃣ Profile
tab to access the Africa Rangeland Watch (ARW) profile. This tab is selected by default. The 2️⃣ Basic Information
section displays essential details about the admin, while the 3️⃣ Operations
section provides various actions, such as Add Profile Image
, Change Associated Email
, Change Password
, and Request Organisation
Basic Information¶
The Basic Information section includes details such as the admin's name, email address, profile image, and other relevant information.
How to Add Profile Image?¶
To add a profile image, click on the 1️⃣ Profile Icon
to open the file explorer. Select the desired image and click on the 2️⃣ Upload Profile
Image button to upload it.
Success Notification: After successfully uploading the image, a success 1️⃣
will be displayed. -
Error Notification: If you click on the
Upload Profile Image
button without selecting an image, an error 1️⃣Notification
will be displayed.
How to Change Associated Email¶
How to Change Password?¶
Click on the 1️⃣ Change Password
tab to access the change password form.
Enter your 1️⃣ Current Password
, 2️⃣ New Password
, and 3️⃣ Repeat New Password
. Then, click on the Update
button to change the password or the Cancel
button to close the form.
You will receive this error if you enter the wrong current password.
You will receive this notification if your password is successfully changed.
You will receive this error if your passwords does not match.
How to Update Personnel Information?¶
This allows you to update your personal information, such as name, purpose, occupation, and country.
Fill the latest information you want to update and then click on the 1️⃣ Update Info
button to update the information.
How to Request Organisation?¶
Click on the 1️⃣ Request Organisation
button to begin the process of requesting an organisation. Upon clicking, a new page will open, allowing you to join the organisation.
Join Known Organisation¶
If you wish to join a already existing organisation, click on the 1️⃣ Join Known Organisation
button to open the Join Known Organisation
form. Fill in your 2️⃣ First Name
and Last Name
, then select the 3️⃣ Organisation
from the dropdown list. To cancel the process, click on the 4️⃣ Cancel
button. Otherwise, click on the 5️⃣ Request
button to submit your request.
Error Notification: If the request is not submitted successfully, an error 1️⃣
will be displayed.
Add New Organisation¶
To add a new organisation, click the 1️⃣ Add New Organisation
button to open the Add New Organisation
form. Enter your 2️⃣ First Name
and Last Name
, followed by the 3️⃣ Organisation Name
, 4️⃣ Organisation Email
, and 5️⃣ Industry
. To cancel, click the 6️⃣ Cancel
button. Otherwise, click the 7️⃣ Request
button to submit your request.
Error Notification: If the request is not submitted successfully, an error 1️⃣
will be displayed.
How to Add New Member to The Organisation?¶
Note: Only the organisation manager can add new members to the organisation.
When a user requests to join a known organisation, the organisation's manager receives a notification email containing the user's email address. The manager must approve the request to add the user as a member of the organisation.
Organisation managers are required to click on the 1️⃣ Review Request
button, which redirects them to the admin panel.
Click on the 1️⃣ Organisation Invitations
to view all requests, then click on the 2️⃣ User's Email
address to view their details.
Click on the 1️⃣ Accepted
checkbox, then scroll to the bottom and click the SAVE
button to approve the user's request to join the organisation.