96. ContributingΒΆ
96.1 π§ Pull Request StepsΒΆ
This project is open source, so you can create a pull request(PR) after you fix issues. Get a local copy of the plugins checked out for development using the following process.
96.1.1 Pull RequestΒΆ
Before uploading your PR, run test one last time to check if there are any errors. If it has no errors, commit and then push it!
For more information on PR's steps, please see links in the Contributing section.
96.1.2 Commit messagesΒΆ
Please make this project more fun and easy to scan by using emoji prefixes for your commit messages (see GitMoji).
Commit type | Emoji |
Initial commit | π :tada: |
Version tag | π :bookmark: |
New feature | β¨ :sparkles: |
Bugfix | π :bug: |
Metadata | π :card_index: |
Documentation | π :books: |
Documenting source code | π‘ :bulb: |
Performance | π :racehorse: |
Cosmetic | π :lipstick: |
Tests | π¨ :rotating_light: |
Adding a test | β
:white_check_mark: |
Make a test pass | βοΈ :heavy_check_mark: |
General update | β‘οΈ :zap: |
Improve format/structure | π¨ :art: |
Refactor code | π¨ :hammer: |
Removing code/files | π₯ :fire: |
Continuous Integration | π :green_heart: |
Security | π :lock: |
Upgrading dependencies | β¬οΈ :arrow_up: |
Downgrading dependencies | β¬οΈ :arrow_down: |
Lint | π :shirt: |
Translation | π½ :alien: |
Text | π :pencil: |
Critical hotfix | π :ambulance: |
Deploying stuff | π :rocket: |
Fixing on MacOS | π :apple: |
Fixing on Linux | π§ :penguin: |
Fixing on Windows | π :checkered_flag: |
Work in progress | π§ :construction: |
Adding CI build system | π· :construction_worker: |
Analytics or tracking code | π :chart_with_upwards_trend: |
Removing a dependency | β :heavy_minus_sign: |
Adding a dependency | β :heavy_plus_sign: |
Docker | π³ :whale: |
Configuration files | π§ :wrench: |
Package.json in JS | π¦ :package: |
Merging branches | π :twisted_rightwards_arrows: |
Bad code / need improv. | π© :hankey: |
Reverting changes | βͺ :rewind: |
Breaking changes | π₯ :boom: |
Code review changes | π :ok_hand: |
Accessibility | βΏοΈ :wheelchair: |
Move/rename repository | π :truck: |
Other | Be creative |