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72. Working with GeoContext Data

In this article we explain the concept of the GeoContext platform and how layers are published to it in BIMS.


72.1 Creating a GeoContext Collection

A GeoContext collection is a set up web map services that can be queried in order to discover habitat or other relevant spatial data for a site.

GeoContext Collection

From GeoContext collection admin page click Add collection button to create a new collection

Add button

Fill out the required fields :

  • Key - Key of the collection
  • Name - Name of the collection

Click Save when you're done

72.2 Adding a GeoContext Group

A GeoContext group is a subset of layers from a GeoContext collection that form a logical group, usually based around a theme such as temperature, political regions etc.

GeoContext Group

72.2.1 Adding groups to existing collection

  • From the GeoContext Collection admin page, open the collection that you want to add groups to.
  • From the Context groups section click Add another collection group link
  • Find existing group that you want to add to the group.
  • If you want to create a new group, click + sign next to the dropdown. See Adding new Group to learn how to create a new group from scratch.

You can arrange the group order as follows:

  • Update the order text manually
  • Or move the group by dragging the move item icon that is located on the far right before the x sign

In order to remove group from the group just click the x sign


72.2.2 Adding a new Group

You can create a new group from the context group page or directly from layer admin page.

In order to create new group you need to fill out the required fields:

  • Key - Key of the context group, this will be used in the bims to fetch the GeoContext data via API
  • Name - Name of the group
  • Group Type - Type of the group to determine the UI, choose Graph if this group depicting data over a time period. (e.g. monthly average temperature )

See other existing groups for guidance.

72.3 Adding a layer to a GeoContext group

In this sectio we describe how you add a layer to a GeoContext group. A layer is a Web Mapping Service intended to make spatial information available over the internet, covering a specific thematic topic e.g. average annual temperature in March

72.3.1 Adding Layers to an Existing GeoContext Group

  • From the GeoContext group admin page, open the group that you want to add layers to.
  • From the Context group services section click Add another context group service link
  • Find existing layer that you want to add to the group.
  • If you want to create a new layer, click + sign next to the dropdown. See Adding new Layer to learn how to create a new layer from scratch.


You can arrange the layer order as follows:

  • Update the order text manually
  • Or move the layer by dragging the move item icon that is located on the far right before the x sign

In order to remove layer from the group just click the x sign

Click Save when you're done updating the group.

72.3.2 Adding a new Layer

You can create a new layer from the context group page or directly from layer admin page.

In order to create new layer you need to fill out the required fields:

  • Key
  • Name
  • Url - Url of the layer service, e.g. if you use Geoserver then you can try following link : {geoserver_host}/geoserver/wfs
  • Query Type - Query type of the layer, usually we use WFS
  • Layer name - Required name of the actual layer/feature to retrieve (Property name).
  • Layer typename - Layer type name to get the context.
  • Service version - Version of the service (e.g. WMS 1.1.0, WFS 2.0.0).

See other existing layers for guidance.