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64. Cartography

GeoServer provides a couple of ways to symbolize vector and raster data. The most common way is by using SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) which is an OGC standard. GeoServer also adds some flavour to the format which enriches how to symbolize vector/raster data. Other less common ways to symbolize data include using CSS(Cascading style sheets) and YSLD.

There are various open source software which allows you to export SLD natively. Since we are familiar with QGIS we will use it as our de facto Desktop GIS system.

Although QGIS can export SLD it does not produce a 1-1 mapping of the rich cartography that is available in QGIS. It is recommended to use simple styles when your goal is to use the SLD exporter from QGIS.

64.1 Styling Vector layers in QGIS

Step 1. Load your vector layers in QGIS.

Step 2. Right-click on the vector layer and choose the symbology tab. symbology.png

Step 3. Select an appropriate style from the options. Be thoughtful of all the cartographic rules and the limitations of the exporter when choosing a style.

Step 4. If you are satisfied with your result click Apply.

Step 5.Click on the Style link to show the hidden context menu. style-layer.png

Step 6. Save your style as SLD. save-sld.png

Step 7. Export the SLD to disk and wait to upload to GeoServer.

64.2 Publishing style in GeoServer

Step 1. Navigate to GeoServer and click on the style tab.

Step 2. Click to Add New Style.

Step 3. Browse and upload your style into GeoServer. upload-style.png

Step 4. Submit your results and this will take you back to your style.

Step 5. Use the search box at the top of the style to identify the name of the style you created above. search-style.png

Step 6. Open the style again and indicated below. open-style-tab-again.png

Step 7. Select the layer you want to associate your style with. associated-style.png

There are two options:

  • Default style - Visible when you preview the map.
  • Associated style - Visible when you change the URL for a GetMap / Getlegend request

Step 8. Submit your results.

This process applies to also styling raster data.