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63. BIMS: Upload Spatial Layers

Note: Only admin/super users can upload spatial layers.

Visit https://[your-bims.site.com]/upload-spatial-layer/ (replace the URL in square brackets with your BIMS instances URL) to access the upload spatial layers page.

This is how it looks.

Upload Layers UI

  • Name: Enter the name of the layer.

  • Choose files: Select the shape file and auxiliary files to upload.

  • Submit: Uploads the files.

  • ❎: Close the form.

63.1 Upload Layers

Click on the Choose files button to select the shape file and auxiliary files to upload.

Upload Layers UI

This will open the file explorer from where user can select the necessary files for their layer.

Note: Users should select multiple files at the same to upload.

File Explorer

  • Cancel: Cancel the process.

  • Open: After selecting the files, click on the Open button to upload the files.

  • ✅ Open files read only: Open the files in read only mode.

  • None: File extension.

This process will take some time to complete.

63.2 413 Request Entity Too Large

This error appears when the uploaded files exceeds the maximum size limit.


63.3 Current Process:

63.3.1 Status: Start

Indicates that the process has started.

Start Status

63.3.2 Status: Running

Indicates that the process is in progress and may take some time to complete.

Running Status

63.3.3 Status: Success

Indicates that the files have been uploaded successfully.

Success Status

  • Users will receive a success message.

    Success Status Message

63.3.4 Status: Failed

Indicates that the files failed to upload.

63.4 Access the Editor

After successfully completing the process, the user will gain access to the editor page.

Click on the Style Editor button to access the editor page

Editor Button

This is the UI of the Style Editor page.

Editor UI

To learn more about using the Style Editor page, click here.

63.5 Admin page

  • To access the admin page, hover on the Administration drop down menu from the top navigation bar.

    Administration tab

  • Choose the Admin Page option from the drop down menu. This will open the admin page.

    Drop Down Menu

63.5.1 Access the Uploaded Layers

  • Navigate to the Cloud Native Layer section from the left menu.

    Cloud Native Layers Section

    Click on the Cloud Native Layer heading to navigate to this section on a new page.

    Cloud Native Layers Section

    1. Layer uploads: By clicking on this, users will be able to see all the uploaded layers.

      Layer Uploads

      1. total: Displays the total number of layers uploaded.

      2. Data: This is the list of uploaded layers with the corresponding details.

      3. Add layer upload: This button is used to upload a new layer.

      4. Filter: By using this, users can filter the data. After clicking on this a dropdown menu will appear.


      • Layer: This is used to filter the layers by name.

      • Status: This filter allows users to arrange the layers by their current status such as success, failed, etc.

        Filter By Status

      5. Dropdown menu: This menu allows users to perform some actions on the data. This are the available options.

      Dropdown Menu

      • Import data: This option allows users to import the data.

      • Delete selected layer uploads: This option is used to delete the selected layers. Users can delete multiple layers at once.

      6. Go: This button allows users to proceed with the actions they have selected from the dropdown menu.

    2. Layers: By clicking on this users will be able to see the list of the layers they have uploaded including their details.


      1. total: Total number of layers.

      2. Data: This is the list of layers with their details such as id, status, created_by, etc.

      3. Add layer: This button allows users to upload a new layer from the admin panel.

      4. Dropdown menu: This menu allows users to perform some actions on the data. This are the available options.

      Dropdown Menu

      • Delete selected layers: This option is used to delete the selected layers. Users can delete multiple layers at once.

      • Go: This button allows users to proceed with the actions they have selected from the dropdown menu.