92. Deploying into the server
92.1 Preparing the server
ssh usernamr@server_ip
sudo apt install docker-compose docker.io git make nginx
92.2 BIMS
92.2.1 Getting the code source
cd ../
sudo mkdir bims
sudo chown kartoza:kartoza bims
cd bims
git clone https://github.com/kartoza/django-bims.git
92.2.2 Build docker images
cd deployement
cp docker-compose.override.template.yml docker-compose.override.yml
cd ../
make web
92.3 GeoContext
92.3.1 Getting the code source
cd bims
git clone https://github.com/kartoza/geocontext.git
92.3.2 Build docker images
cd geocontext/deployment
make build
make start-web
92.4 NGINX Configuration