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11. Overview of the map interface

Map Interface 1

  • About provides details of the FBIS, including the funders and partners.
  • Map is where you explore the data.
  • Contact to send us a query or question.
  • Help provides access to a User Manual and video tutorials demonstrating FBIS functionality.
  • “Your Name” is for editing your profile and viewing your contributions.
  • Add Site is a shortcut to add a new site and associated data to FBIS.

11.2 Tool bar

This is what the tool bar looks like as a whole.

Map Interface 2

Below is a breakdown of the buttons of the tool bar:

Button Description
Map Toolbar 1 Zoom in and out on the map
Map Toolbar 2 Search and filter records
Map Toolbar 3 Lasso Control to select and group specific sites using a polygons
Map Toolbar 4 Turning on and changing transparency of layers
Map Toolbar 5 Select third party data (MiniSASS and water quality data served by InWARDS)
Map Toolbar 6 Locate options using coordinates and farm codes
Map Toolbar 7 Print a PNG of your map
Map Toolbar 8 Copy a shareable link for your map
Map Toolbar 9 Change the base map. Options include Bing Satellite Hybrid, Terrain, Topography, Aerial photograph or Plain B & W.

Last update: September 26, 2023