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Biodiversity Data Dashboard

The Single Site - Invertebrates dashboard provides a detailed view of data and insights for a selected site.


  1. Close Icon: The button at the top-right corner allows users to close the dashboard window.

  2. Filter History: The Filter History section provides a detailed summary of the filters applied to generate the dashboard view. This section ensures transparency and clarity about the data presented by including the following details:

    • Search Query: Displays the unique query identifier used to retrieve data.

    • Site ID: Provides the identification code of the site, serving as a reference for the selected location.

    • Ecosystem Type: Lists the types of ecosystems associated with the site, such as rivers, wetlands, or open water bodies.

    • Data Source: Indicates the sources of data used in the dashboard, including FBIS, GBIF, and the Virtual Museum.

  3. Occurrence Charts: Visualises key occurrence metrics in pie chart format.

    • Categories:

      • Origin: Displays whether species are native or introduced.

      • Endemism: Indicates the distribution range.

      • Conservation Status Global: Highlights specie's conservation status at the global level.

      • Conservation Status National: Highlights specie's conservation status at the national level.

      • Sampling Method: Details the data collection methodology.

      • Biotope: Represents habitat or ecological zones.

  4. Download Icon: This feature allows users to download specific sections of the data visualisation chart in SVG format.

  5. This is how the downloaded data will look like:

    Downloaded Data

  6. Distributions: Provides a geographical representation of the site's location on the interactive map.


    • Download Icon: Allows users to download the map.

      Download Distribution Map

      • Purpose: Users can select their purpose for downloading the data from this drop-down menu, with options such as scientific articles, reports, theses, or other predefined categories. Custom purposes cannot be added, as users can only choose from the available options.

      • Notes: Adding additional notes to accompany the downloaded data is optional but available for users who wish to include them.

      • Download: Once the purpose and notes are selected, users can proceed to download the map.

      • Close: Users can close the download window by clicking the close button.

    • and : Users can zoom in and out of the map by clicking the and buttons respectively.

  7. Display Dashboard Data: Users can select whether they want to view annually or monthly data using this dropdown menu.

    • Annually: If users select this option, the graph will display only the year in which the data was captured.

      Annually Data

    • Monthly: If users select this option, the graph will display the year along with the month and date on which the data was captured.

      Monthly Data

  8. Occurrences: Displays a bar chart representing the occurrences of invertebrates.

    • Download Icon: Allows users to download the occurrences.

      Download Distribution Map

      • Purpose: Users can select their purpose for downloading the data from this drop-down menu, with options such as scientific articles, reports, theses, or other predefined categories. Custom purposes cannot be added, as users can only choose from the available options.

      • Notes: Adding additional notes to accompany the downloaded data is optional but available for users who wish to include them.

      • Download: Once the purpose and notes are selected, users can proceed to download the data.

        • This is how the downloaded data will look like:

          Download Occurrences Data

      • Close: Users can close the download window by clicking the close button.

  9. Overview: This section provides an overview of the site.

    Download Icon: Allows users to download the overview.

    • Site details: This section offers detailed information about the site, including its unique code, geographical location, and other pertinent attributes necessary for comprehensive understanding.

      Site Details

    • Ecosystem Characteristics: This section offers detailed insights into the ecosystem characteristics of the site, including its unique type, wetland name, and environmental significance.

      Ecosystem Characteristics

    • Province, Ecoregion and Water Source Area: This section provides comprehensive information about the site, including its province, ecoregion, and associated water source area, highlighting its geographical and ecological context.

      Province, Ecoregion and Water Source Area

    • Catchment: This section provides information about the catchment of the site.


    • Climate, Vegetation and Soils: This section offers detailed information about the site's climate, vegetation, and soil characteristics, highlighting the environmental factors and natural features that define the area.

      Climate Vegetation Soils

    • Protected Areas: This section provides information about the protected areas of the site.

      Protected Areas

    • Management Area: This section offers detailed insights into the site's management area, including its water management area, river management units, and relevant management practices.

      Management Area

    • National Biodiversity Assessment: This section provides detailed information about the site's national biodiversity assessment, including its ecological importance, conservation priorities, and biodiversity status within a national context.

      National Biodiversity Assessment

    • Species and Occurrences: This section provides information about the species and their occurrences on the site.

      Species And Occurrences

  10. Taxa: Displays taxa data for the site. Displays a list of the first 25 taxa if the total number exceeds 25.

Dashboard 2

  1. Origin: Displays the origin of the taxa in a graphical form.

  2. Endemism: Displays the endemism of the taxa in a graphical form.

  3. Conservation Status: Displays the conservation status of the taxa in a graphical form.

Site Visit Data

Site Visit Data

  • Recent site visit: It displays the recent site visit data, including the site code, visit date, and total records.

  • See more site visit: By clicking on this button users will be redirected to the new page where thy can see all the site visit data.

Occurrence Data

Displays the occurrence data of the species.

Occurrence Data

  • Download Icon: Allows users to download the occurrence data.

    Download Occurrence Data

    • Purpose: Users can select their purpose for downloading the data from this drop-down menu, with options such as scientific articles, reports, theses, or other predefined categories. Custom purposes cannot be added, as users can only choose from the available options.

    • Notes: Adding additional notes to accompany the downloaded data is optional but available for users who wish to include them.

    • Download: Once the purpose and notes are selected, users can proceed to download the data.

      • This is how the downloaded data will look like.

        Downloaded Occurrence Data

    • Close: Users can close the download window by clicking the close button.

  • Download data: Users can download the occurrence data in csv or excel format.

  • Download checklist: Users can download the checklist in CSV, Excel, or PDF format. When this button is clicked, it will change to a processing button to indicate that the process has started.


    • User will encounter this window after clicking on the download button.

      Download Checklist

      • Purpose: Users can select their purpose for downloading the data from this drop-down menu, with options such as scientific articles, reports, theses, or other predefined categories. Custom purposes cannot be added, as users can only choose from the available options.

      • Notes: Adding additional notes to accompany the downloaded data is optional but available for users who wish to include them.

      • Format: Users can select the format of the checklist, with options such as csv, excel, or pdf.

      • Download: Once the purpose and notes are selected, users can proceed to download the data.

        • After clicking on download, the user will receive a notification stating that they will be emailed once the download is completed.

          Alert Message

          • This is the email users will going to receive on their registered email with the attached checklist file.


            1 File: Hover over this file, then click the download icon to download it. The downloaded file will be in ZIP format as it contains multiple files.

    • Close: Users can close the download window by clicking the close button.

  • Download GBIF ids: Allows users to download GBIF ids.

Metadata Table

Metadata Table

  • Download Icon: Allows users to download the metadata.

Download Metadata Table

  • Purpose: Users can select their purpose for downloading the data from this drop-down menu, with options such as scientific articles, reports, theses, or other predefined categories. Custom purposes cannot be added, as users can only choose from the available options.

  • Notes: Adding additional notes to accompany the downloaded data is optional but available for users who wish to include them.

  • Download: Once the purpose and notes are selected, users can proceed to download the data. This will download the metadata table in png format.

    • This is the downloaded metadata.

      Downloaded Metadata Table

  • Close: Users can close the download window by clicking the close button.

Export Dashboard to Image

Users can export the dashboard as image in their system by clicking on Export Dashboard to Image button located at the bottom of the dashboard page.

Export Dashboard