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38. Pasticide Dashboard

Pasticide Dashboard

  1. X: Allows users to close the current page.

  2. Map: This interactive map displays the site's location.

    • ➕ and ➖: Allows users to zoom in and out of the map.

    • Download Icon: By clicking on this icon, users can download the map.

      Download Map

      • Purpose: Users can select their purpose for downloading the map from this drop-down menu, with options such as scientific articles, reports, theses, or other predefined categories. Custom purposes cannot be added, as users can only choose from the available options.

      • Notes: Adding additional notes to accompany the downloaded map is optional but available for users who wish to include them.

      • Download: Allows users to download the map with the selected purpose and notes.

      • Close: Users can use this button close the process.

  3. Potential Risk: This section provides information about the potential risks associated with the site, presented in a graphical representation format, allowing for a clearer and more intuitive understanding of the risk factors.

    • Menu Icon: Users can access the menu by clicking on this icon.


      • View in full screen: Users can view the potential risks in full screen mode.

      • Print chart: Users can print the potential risks chart.

        Print Chart

      • Download: Users can download the potential risks chart in the various format such as PDF, PNG, SVG and JPEG.

      • Download CSV: Users can download the potential risks chart in CSV format.

      • Download XLS: Users can download the potential risks chart in XLS format.

      • View data table: Users can view the data table of the potential risks chart.

        Data table

  4. Overview: This section provides an overview of the site.

    Download Icon: Allows users to download the overview.

    • Site details: This section offers detailed information about the site, including its unique code, geographical location, and other pertinent attributes necessary for comprehensive understanding.

      Site Details

    • Ecosystem Characteristics: This section offers detailed insights into the ecosystem characteristics of the site, including its unique type, wetland name, and environmental significance.

      Ecosystem Characteristics

    • Province, Ecoregion and Water Source Area: This section provides comprehensive information about the site, including its province, ecoregion, and associated water source area, highlighting its geographical and ecological context.

      Province, Ecoregion and Water Source Area

    • Catchment: This section provides information about the catchment of the site.


    • Climate, Vegetation and Soils: This section offers detailed information about the site's climate, vegetation, and soil characteristics, highlighting the environmental factors and natural features that define the area.

      Climate Vegetation Soils

    • Protected Areas: This section provides information about the protected areas of the site.

      Protected Areas

    • Management Area: This section offers detailed insights into the site's management area, including its water management area, river management units, and relevant management practices.

      Management Area

    • National Biodiversity Assessment: This section provides detailed information about the site's national biodiversity assessment, including its ecological importance, conservation priorities, and biodiversity status within a national context.

      National Biodiversity Assessment

    • Species and Occurrences: This section provides information about the species and their occurrences on the site.

      Species And Occurrences

  5. Top 10 Pesticides: This section provides information about the top 10 pesticides available on the site.

    • Download Icon: Allows users to download the top 10 pesticides list.

      Download Top 10 Pesticides

      • Purpose: Users can select their purpose for downloading the data from this drop-down menu, with options such as scientific articles, reports, theses, or other predefined categories. Custom purposes cannot be added, as users can only choose from the available options.

      • Notes: Adding additional notes to accompany the downloaded data is optional but available for users who wish to include them.

      • Download: Allows users to download the data with the selected purpose and notes. This is how the downloaded will look like.

        Downloaded Top 10 Pesticides

      • Close: Users can use this button close the process.

Download Data

  • Download Pesticide Use: Download comprehensive data on the quantity of each pesticide applied within the quaternary catchment area, with the application rates expressed in kilograms per hectare (kg/ha), providing a detailed view of pesticide usage across the region.

    Download Pesticide Use

    • Purpose: Users can select their purpose for downloading the data from this drop-down menu, with options such as scientific articles, reports, theses, or other predefined categories. Custom purposes cannot be added, as users can only choose from the available options.

    • Notes: Adding additional notes to accompany the downloaded data is optional but available for users who wish to include them.

    • Format: Users can select the format in which they want to download the data, with options including CSV and Excel.

    • Download: Allows users to download the data with the selected purpose and notes. This is how the downloaded will look like.

    • Close: Users can use this button cancel the process.

  • The process will remains the same for the Download Generic Pesticide Risk Indicator and the Download Specific Pesticide Risk Indicator.