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Key concepts

A project (dashboard) is the most important feature of PROJECT_NAME. Projects combine different elements (Reference datasets, indicators, and context layers) and enable data visualization/analysis for all end users.

Context layers are geospatial layers used to contextualise the information presented in a project.

Indicators layers derive from spreadsheets or other intelligence assets harvested by the platform.

Widgets are visual components such as charts generated by performing data analysis on country/regional levels and the indicator data.


The software provided by this project is provided 'as is'. All information provided within the platform should be independently verified before using as the basis for action. The contributors and developers of this platform take no responsibility for any loss of revenue, life, physical harm or any other adverse outcome that may occur as a result of the use of this platform.


Scope of project

Project roadmap

Project Roadmap Project Roadmap


We would love to collaborate with you! But first, please read our contributor guidelines which describe how to report issues, plan and contribute feature additions etc.

Code of conduct

Our community in this project is aligned with our Code of Conduct - please be sure to read and abide by that document in all interactions with out community.

Diversity statement

This project welcomes and encourages participation by everyone.

No matter how you identify yourself or how others perceive you: we welcome you. We welcome contributions from everyone as long as they interact constructively with our community.

While much of the work for our project is technical in nature, we value and encourage contributions from those with expertise in other areas, and welcome them into our community.

Project partners

Project Partner 1 Project Partner 1


GitHub releases page Releases page

Project Badges
License Version Commits
Issue Tracker Closed Issues Pull requests

Project chatroom


Contributor License Agreement (CLA)

Contributions to this project will be subject to our Contributor License Agreement


This project is open source, published under the AGPL-3. You can read our license to find out what rights this license bestows to users and contributors.


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