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Authentication API

Our system uses the Django Rest Framework Authentication Package


Uses JSON Web Tokens, which are encoded tokens containing user information. With every request made, the token will be validated for the logged in user. The token expires after a certain interval, which means on the frontend there should be a mechanism to refresh the token for example a function to constantly check and determine if the user is still logged in, if so refresh the token.

How to use


1. https://{current_domain}/authentication/api/login

Login Api

This API is used for logging in a user. This API only allows 2 methods:

  1. POST

POST: used to submit user credentials. The credentials are accepted in the form of: i. application/json ii. application/x-www-form-urlencoded iii. multipart/form-data

**example usage**:
    "email": "",
    "password": "test_password",
    "usernameForEmailRetrieval": "test_username"

OPTIONS: Returns the documentation available for the login api (basic description).

Additional Info: The api is interactive and will usually return an error message provided the credentials are invalid for example 401 unauthorized etc.

Login Api unauthorized

Obtaining a token: All users that are authenticated require a token in order to be able to make successful request to the API.

2. https://{current_domain}/authentication/api/token/

Token Api

example usage:
    "username": "test_user",
    "password": "test_password"

This will return an access token as well as a refresh token for the user.

Token Api Success

Refreshing the token:

3. https://{current_domain}/authentication/api/refresh/

Token Refresh Api

example usage: 
    "refresh": "long_refresh_token_string"

returns a success response 200 with the access token.

Token Refresh Success

Checking the Authentication status:

4. https://{current_domain}/authentication/api/check-auth-status/

Check Auth Api

This API is used to confirm if the user is logged in.

example usage: 
A get request to the above url.

returns a success response 200 with the with an object containing user details e.g. is_authenticated variable.

Logging out a user:

5. https://{current_domain}/authentication/api/logout/

Logout API

This API is used to logout the user against the authentication backend. Any action from the frontend that triggers the logout of a user should also call this api. This ensures the user is logged out

example usage: 
A post request to the above url

Registering a user:

6. https://{current_domain}/authentication/api/register/

Register Api

This API is used for registering a user. This API only allows 2 methods

  1. POST

POST: used to submit user details. The details are accepted in the form of: i. application/json ii. application/x-www-form-urlencoded iii. multipart/form-data

example usage: 
    "username": "test_user",
    "first_name": "test_name",
    "last_name": "test_lastname",
    "email": "",
    "password": "test_password",
    "organizationType": "NGO",
    "organizationName": "test",
    "country": "South Africa",
    "additional_fields": "additional_data"

returns success response 201 created.

Additional data for the user is saved on their User Profile: Currently, fields required: i.organisation_type ii.organisation_name These fields are mandatory on registration or a 400 bad request error is returned.

Additional Info: This API is also interactive, returns errors for example 400 bad request ie enter a valid email.

Register Api Errors

Requesting Password Reset:

5. https://{current_domain}/authentication/api/request-reset

Register Api

This API enables the user to reset their forgotten password from the frontend.

example usage: 
    "email": "users_email"

returns a success message and a 200 ok.

Additional Info: The user will receive an email with the instructions on how to reset their forgotten password.


The `Authentication API, is responsible for login, registration and password reset.