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Setting up a Local Development Environment


  • Any Linux distribution for the operating system.
  • Docker installed on the local machine.
  • Docker Compose installed on the local machine.
  • Visual Studio Code for the editor (or any preferred editor).

Installation Steps

  1. Open the terminal.

  2. Create a directory:

    mkdir name_of_directory

  3. Clone the minisass repository:

    git clone

  4. Navigate into the repository directory:

    cd miniSASS

  5. Open the directory with VSCode (assuming you have VSCode installed) or open the repository directory in any editor of your choice.

  6. Optional: Adjust the build context of the S3 mount. In case of build failure, replace lines 32-36 in the docker-compose.yml file with the following:

      image: kartoza/s3mount
        context: .
        dockerfile: ./deployment/docker-s3-bucket/Dockerfile

  7. Build the container:

    docker compose build

  8. Start the containers:

    docker compose up -d db; sleep 180; docker compose up -d

  9. Access the web application: Visit 'http://localhost:61122/'


Empty Page

This is likely to be caused by static files, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Django container:
    docker exec -it name_of_django_container bash
  2. Navigate to the frontend directory:
    cd minisass_frontend
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Build the frontend:
    npm run build
  5. Navigate to the main directory:
    cd ..
  6. Execute the collect static command:
    python collectstatic --noinput

Other Issues

If you encounter any other issues, consider checking the logs, inspecting containers, and reviewing Docker Compose configurations. ```bash docker compose logs docker compose ps docker compose config