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Sites API


The Sites API offers CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for managing site information.

How to Use


Sites API

1. Retrieve All Sites

Endpoint: https://{current_domain}/monitor/sites/

  • GET METHOD: Retrieve a list of all sites.

Returns an HTTP 200 OK and an array of the sites stored in the database. - example output: ```[ { "gid": 1, "the_geom": "SRID=4326;POINT (24.84165007535725 -30.47829136066817)", "site_name": "test_sites", "river_name": "test_river", "description": "test", "river_cat": "rocky", "time_stamp": "2023-12-01T13:41:45.930873+02:00", "user": 1, "images": [] }, { "gid": 3, "the_geom": "SRID=4326;POINT (24.84165007535725 -30.47829136066817)", "site_name": "testing", "river_name": "testing", "description": "testing", "river_cat": "rocky", "time_stamp": "2023-12-01T14:13:46.123655+02:00", "user": 1, "images": [] } ]

### 2. Create a Site

#### Endpoint: `https://{current_domain}/monitor/sites/`

Fields required for site creation:
- `the_geom`: Geometric point field (e.g., SRID=4326;POINT (24.84165007535725 -30.47829136066817))
- `site_name`: Name of the site (max length: 15, mandatory)
- `river_name`: Name of the river (max length: 15, mandatory)
- `description`: Description of the site (max length: 255)
- `river_cat`: River category (choices: 'rocky', 'sandy')
- `user`: User reference
- `time_stamp`: Optional field, if not provided current datetime is added to the site

These fields should be attached to the post request as a json object.
- **POST METHOD**: Create a new site.
  - Example Payload:
        "the_geom": "SRID=4326;POINT (24.84165007535725 -30.47829136066817)",
        "site_name": "test_site",
        "river_name": "river_name",
        "description": "description",
        "river_cat": "rocky",
        "user": 1

Returns an HTTP 201 Created.

### 3. Retrieve a Site

![Sites CRUD API](./img/site_crud_api.png)

#### Endpoint: `/monitor/sites/<site_id>/` (e.g., `https://{current_domain}/monitor/sites/1/`)

- **GET METHOD**: Retrieve details of a specific site by its ID.

Returns a JSON object:
    "gid": 1,
    "the_geom": "SRID=4326;POINT (24.84165007535725 -30.47829136066817)",
    "site_name": "test_sites",
    "river_name": "test_river",
    "description": "test",
    "river_cat": "rocky",
    "time_stamp": "2023-12-01T13:41:45.930873+02:00",
    "user": 1,
    "images": []

4. Update a Site

Endpoint: /monitor/sites/<site_id>/ (e.g., https://{current_domain}/monitor/sites/1/)

Any field can be updated on the site

  • PUT METHOD: Update details of a specific site by its ID.
  • Example Payload:
        "site_name": "Updated Site Name",
        // Other fields to update

5. Delete a Site

Endpoint: /monitor/sites/<site_id>/

  • DELETE METHOD: Delete a specific site by its ID.

6. Adding images to a Site


Endpoint: /monitor/sites/<site_id>/save-images/

  • POST METHOD: uses a post method to upload images.


  • authenticated user or user_id supplied in the request object.
  • format:'multipart' (recommended), Form, JSON.
  • Example Payload:
        'images': image_files,
        'user_id': 1


  • HTTP_201_CREATED: when the image/s is/are successfully saved.
  • HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST: invalid site id supplied (non integer, unconvertable string char etc).
  • HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND: no site exist with specified id.
  • HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: provided image is invalid or something unexpected occurred.


This API allows: - Retrieving all sites (GET METHOD) - Retrieving a single site (GET METHOD WITH ID PARAMETER) - Updating a specific site (PUT METHOD WITH ID PARAMETER) - Creating a new site (POST METHOD WITH REQUIRED FIELDS) - Deleting a specific site (DELETE METHOD WITH REQUIRED FIELDS) - Saving images to a specific site (POST METHOD WITH SITE ID PARAM AND REQUIRED FIELDS IN REQUEST OBJECT)

The API is subject to changes and improvements, so always refer back to see any updates.