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Score Page User Manual


The Score form is a crucial element where users can review and manage their scoring data. This manual provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the features present on the Score form, including selecting groups, viewing sensitivity scores, uploading images, and understanding the summary information.

Click on the Next button to open the Score form after completing the necessary actions on the add-record page.

Score Form

  1. Groups: On the Score Page, the user will find a list of groups with associated sensitivity scores. Each group has a checkbox next to it for selection. Users can check the checkbox to select the group.

  2. Sensitivity Score: The sensitivity scores for each group are as follows:

    • Crabs or Shrimps: 6.00
    • Stoneflies: 7.00
    • Minnow Mayflies: 5.00
    • Other Mayflies: 1.00
    • Leeches: 2.00
    • Worms: 2.00
    • Damselflies: 4.00
    • Dragonflies: 6.00
    • Bugs or Beetles: 5.00
    • Caddisflies: 9.00
    • True Flies: 2.00
    • Snails: 4.00
    • Flat Worms: 3.00
  3. Upload Images: The user can upload the images of aquatic groups they found at the site. Click on the upload image button to upload the images. When the user clicks on this button an upload popup will open for uploading the images.

    Upload Images

    1. Browse: Click on the Browse link, a file explorer window will appear then navigate to the desired location on your device and select one or multiple image files. Supported formats for upload include .JPG, .JPEG, and .PNG. Upon selecting a file, it will be displayed in the popup with a corresponding Delete icon. To remove a selected file, click on the Delete icon associated with that file.

      Selected file with the delete icon

    2. Clear: In case the user wishes to start over or change their selection, click on the Clear link. This will remove all currently selected files, allowing the user to choose new ones.

    3. Upload Chosen Files: After selecting the desired image files, locate and click on the Upload chosen files button. The system will process the uploaded files, and an Upload images button will replaced by a Manage Images button with the number of selected files.

      Manage Images Button

      1. Manage Images Button: Click on the Manage Images button, to manage the aquatic group images. When the user clicks on this button a popup will open for managing the images.

        Manage Images Popup

        1. Crabs or Shrimps: Displays the name of the selected group.

        2. Images: Displays the uploaded images.

        3. Add Image Icon Click on the Add Image icon, to add new images.

          Add Image

        4. Sensitivity Score: Displays the sensitivity score of the group.

        5. AI Score: Displays the score generated by the AI based on the analysis of the uploaded images.

        6. Message: If the sensitivity score provided by the user and the score generated by AI significantly differ, a message will be displayed:

          Please consider that AI score is different from your manual score; maybe you have to adjust it.

        7. Save: Click on the Save button, to save the uploaded image.

        8. Cancel: Click on the Cancel, Button to close the popup.

  4. Summary Information: At the bottom of the form, the user will find summary information:

    Summary information

    • Total score: Displays the sum of sensitivity scores for the selected groups.
    • Number of groups: Shows the count of selected groups.
    • Average score: Calculates the average sensitivity score based on the selected groups.
  5. Save: The Save button allows users to save the scoring data. Note that it remains unclickable until at least one group is selected.

  6. Back: The Back button takes the user to the previous page without saving any changes.