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Profile Form User Manual


Welcome to the Profile user manual. This guide is designed to help users navigate and make the most of the profile experience. The profile page allows users to manage their personal information, customise settings, and access various features. Follow the instructions below to explore and use the profile form efficiently.

Accessing the Profile Form:

Profile Form

  • Locate the profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Click on the profile icon to reveal a dropdown menu.
  • Select Profile from the menu to open the profile popup.
  • The default view of the form displays the user information in a read-only format.

Profile Form

Profile Form

  1. Form Fields: Upon accessing the Profile Form, the user will see various details such as Username, Name, Surname, Email, Organisation Name, Organisation Type, Country, and Expertise. These details are non-editable by default.

  2. Update Profile: Click on the Update Profile link to enable editing capabilities. Once in edit mode, the form fields become editable. Update the information as needed, including Username, Name, Surname, Email, Organisation Name, Organisation Type, Country, and Expertise.

    Update Profile Form

    1. Save Button: Click the Save button to store the updated information. User changes will be reflected in their profile. On successful updation, a success popup will shown.

      Success Message

  3. CHANGE PASSWORD: The CHANGE PASSWORD link allows the user to modify their account password for enhanced security. Click on the CHANGE PASSWORD link to open the password update form.

    Change Password

    • The Change Password Form consists of three main fields: Old Password, New Password, and Confirm Password.

    • The New Password field has specific strength requirements, detailed below the input field.

    1. Changing User Password:

      • Enter the Old Password in the provided field.

      • In the New Password field, create a new password following the specified strength requirements.

        Password Strength Requirements

        The New Password must meet the following criteria:

        • At least one uppercase letter.
        • At least one lowercase letter.
        • At least one digit.
        • At least one special character.
        • Password must be at least 6 characters long.
      • Confirm the new password by entering it in the Confirm Password field.

    2. Save Button: Once the user has entered the required information, they can click the Save button to update their password. On successful password updation, a success popup will shown.

      Success Message

  4. UPLOAD CERTIFICATE: The UPLOAD CERTIFICATE feature allows users to submit certificates by following these steps:

    Choose file

    1. Choose File: This action will open a file dialog box that allows the user to select the certificate file from the user's device.

    2. Upload After selecting the file and verifying the details, click the Upload button to submit the certificate. On successful certificate updation, a success popup will shown.

    Success Message

  5. Cross Icon: To cancel the update profile process click on the Cross icon.