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26. Project setup

26.1 Clone [PROJECT_NAME] repository

This will clone the [PROJECT_NAME] repository to your machine

git clone https://github.com/project/repository.git

26.2 Set up the project

This will set up the [PROJECT_NAME] project on your machine

cd deployment
cp docker-compose.override.template.yml docker-compose.override.yml
cp .template.env .env
cd ..
make up

Wait until everything is done.

After everything is done, open up a web browser and go to and the dashboard will open:

By Default, we can use the admin credential:

username : admin
password : admin

26.3 Set up different environment

To set up different environment, for example the Default credential, or the port of server, open deployment/.env. You can check the description below for each of variable.

NGINX_TAG=0.0.1  -> Change this for different nginx image
DJANGO_TAG=0.0.1 -> Change this for different django image
DJANGO_DEV_TAG=0.0.1 -> Change this for different django dev image

# Environments
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=core.settings.prod -> Change this to use different django config file
ADMIN_USERNAME=admin -> Default admin username 
ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin -> Default admin password
ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@example.com -> Default admin email
HTTP_PORT=80 -> Change the port of nginx

# Database Environment
DATABASE_NAME=django -> Default database name
DATABASE_USERNAME=docker -> Default database username
DATABASE_PASSWORD=docker -> Default database password
DATABASE_HOST=db -> Default database host. Change this if you use cloud database or any new docker container.

# Onedrive

After you change the desired variable and do make up. It will rerun the project with new environment.