The development workflow of the REZoning 2 project is tracked on the REZoning 2 GitHub board. All additions to and development of the platform should be recorded on the GitHub project board, most notably the conventions of adding features and the feature validation process.
The development workflow is run in work sprints (a set timeframe to complete a set number of tasks) on the GitHub board. Tickets that have been created and allocated are added to the board and sprints are planned to resolve the tickets. This workflow ensures that the major parts of the development are achieved when required and the development of the product remains on track.
The GitHub project board features 5 columns to monitor the workflow:¶
This column features all the created tickets and is used to keep track of tasks that are yet to be completed.
From the Backlog column tickets are moved to the To-Do column by the developer to create a planned set of tasks for each sprint.
The in-progress column contains all the tickets currently being worked on. When a developer starts working on a ticket it gets moved to the In-Progress column. Thus, all team members can see what work is in progress.
Once a ticket is complete and has been tested by the developer, it shoul be moved to the done column. Tickets in the done column should be internally tested by relevant testers. If a ticket fails internal testing, the tester must comment on the ticket preferably with a screenshot. The developer is notified and should move the ticket back to in-progress for continued development. When a ticket passes internal testing, it can be closed with a comment and moved to the Passed Internal Testing column for client to review.
Passed Internal Testing:¶
From this column the client can select and test tickets. If the client is satisfied with the result, they can move the ticket to the next column. If the client is not satisfied with the result of the ticket, they should re-open the ticket with a comment. This will notify the developer and they will move the ticket to the relevant column.
Accepted By ESMAP:¶
Tickets deemed finished by the client and require no further development are moved to the Accepted by ESMAP column and the functionality can be outlined in the documentation.