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End-to-end testing.

Essential reading

Setting up a testing environment

Please follow the Kartoza coding standards.

Testing prerequisites

The primary framework used is playwright.

Setting up playwright

Note: Playwright is installed locally on your device and NOT in the container.

Navigate to the playwright directory, there are two other directories present:

1. ci-tests
2. staging-tests

Navigate to ci-tests.

To install playwright ensure you have Node.js installed.

Once Node.js is installed, use npm JavaScript package manager to install playwright.

To install dependencies defined in package.json file:

npm install

To install playwright browsers and OS specific dependencies:

npx playwright install --with-deps


  • By default, it uses TypeScript(*.ts).

This command will install all the required browsers and other dependencies. The directory structure will be as follows:

Running tests

Note: To run tests locally ensure the Django project is being served up locally. For tests on staging/production, ensure the website is up.

By default, tests will run on three browsers in headless mode.

To run all tests:

npx playwright test

To run a specific test file:

npx playwright test tests/'TESTNAME'.spec.ts

To run it in UI mode, one can add --ui tag at the end.

npx playwright test --ui

To run a specific file in UI mode:

npx playwright test --ui tests/'TESTNAME'.spec.ts

Test reports

To generate test reports:

npx playwright show-report

Continuous integration testing

Use of continuous integration and playwright.

The CI for this project is present in the directory .github/workflows in the build-and-test.yml file.

The action builds and tests for and push or a pull request is made into the main repository.

push or pull request

It uses the template.test.env file to set up the environment. Which is copied into a new file .env while setting up the containers.

testing env

Testing the Django endpoint:

testing Django endpoint

Running coverage tests:

coverage tests

On setting up and testing using playwright.

testing playwright

  1. Updates dependencies: Installs various dependencies required
  2. Installs exact dependencies for ci, continuous integration.
  3. Installs the playwright browsers and its packages.
  4. Runs the playwright tests

Reports: It will generate a report as HTML document and it will be retained for 30 days if it is present in that directory

testing report

Staging tests

Setting up environment

Navigate to staging-tests.


If you are a NixOS user, you can set up direnv and then cd into this directory in your shell.

When you do so the first time, you will be prompted to allow direnv which you can do using this command:

direnv allow

 This may take a while the first time as NixOS builds you a sandbox environment.


For a non-NixOS user(Debian/Ubuntu) set up your environment by the following commands.

Recording a test

There is a bash helper script that will let you quickly create a new test:

Usage: ./ TESTNAME
e.g. ./ mytest
will write a new test to tests/mytest.spec.ts
Do not use spaces in your test name.
Test files MUST END in .spec.ts

After recording your test, close the test browser.
You can then run your test by doing:

 The first time you record a test, it will store your session credentials in a file ending in auth.json. This file should NEVER be committed to git / shared publicly. There is a gitignore rule to ensure this.

Running a test


The report can be downloaded and shared.