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Developer Workflows

Adding a Feature

  1. Creating a GitHub Issue.

    Creating a GitHub issue for a new feature is the first step in proposing and discussing enhancements in a project. This developer guide provides a step-by-step process for creating an issue specifically for suggesting new features on GitHub.

    Steps to create an issue

    1. Navigate to the repository

    • Open a web browser and go to the GitHub repository where you want to create the issue.

    2. Access the issues section

    • Click on the Issues tab in the repository's navigation bar.

    3. Start a new issue

    • Click the New Issue button to create a new issue.

    4. Fill in the title and description

    • Title: Provide a concise and descriptive title for the issue.
    • Description: Clearly explain the details of the feature.

    5. Assignees

    • Optionally, assign the issue to one or more team members responsible for addressing it.

    6. Labels

    • Apply relevant labels to categorise the issue (e.g., bug, enhancement, feature). This helps in organising and prioritising tasks.

    7. Add project

    • Associate the new issue with a project board if applicable.
    • Projects help organise and track the progress of related tasks.

    8. Submit the issue

    • Click the Submit new issue button to create the issue.

    9. Interact and follow up

    • Engage in discussions with other contributors and maintainers in the issue's comment section.
    • Provide additional information if requested and stay involved in the resolution process.

    Best Practices

    1. Be Descriptive: Clearly articulate the feature to help others understand the context.

    2. Assign Appropriately: Assign the issue to the relevant team member.

    3. Label Categorisation: Apply appropriate labels for better issue categorisation.

    4. Stay Engaged: Follow up on the issue and participate in discussions to assist in its resolution.


    Creating a GitHub issue for a new feature is a fundamental aspect of collaborative development. By following this developer guide, you ensure that the feature requests are well-documented and effectively communicated. This process contributes to the overall enhancement and progress of the project, fostering a collaborative environment for developing and implementing exciting new features.

  2. Wait for it to be added to a Sprint.

    • Allow time for the new feature or issue to be scheduled and included in a sprint or development cycle.
  3. Functional Tests.

    • Develop and execute functional tests to ensure that the newly added feature or code meets the specified requirements and functions as intended.
  4. Playwright Tests.

    • Implement and run Playwright tests to perform end-to-end testing, validating the functionality and behaviour of the application from a user's perspective.
  5. Write End User Documentation.

    • Create comprehensive documentation that provides end users with clear instructions and information on how to use the new feature or functionality.

Fixing a Bug

  1. Creating a GitHub Issue.

    Initiating a GitHub issue for a bug is the initial step in identifying, discussing, and resolving issues in a project. This developer guide outlines the step-by-step process of creating a bug-related issue on GitHub.

    Steps to create a bug-fix issue

    1. Navigate to the repository

    • Open a web browser and go to the GitHub repository where the bug is identified.

    2. Access the issues section

    • Click on the Issues tab in the repository's navigation bar.

    3. Start a new issue

    • Click the New Issue button to create a new issue specifically for the bug.

    4. Fill in the Title and Description

    • Title: Provide a concise and descriptive title for the bug.
    • Description: Clearly explain the details of the bug, including steps to reproduce if possible.

    5. Assignees

    • Optionally, assign the issue to one or more team members responsible for fixing the bug.

    6. Labels

    • Apply relevant labels to categorise the issue (e.g., bug, enhancement, feature). This helps in organising and prioritising tasks.

    7. Add Project

    • Associate the new bug issue with a project board if applicable.
    • Projects help organise and track the progress of related tasks.

    8. Submit the Issue

    • Click the Submit new issue button to create the bug-related issue.

    9. Interact and Follow Up

    • Engage in discussions with other contributors and maintainers in the issue's comment section.
    • Provide additional information if requested and stay involved in the resolution process.

    Best Practices

    1. Be Descriptive: Clearly articulate the bug to help others understand the context.

    2. Assign Appropriately: Assign the issue to the relevant team member responsible for fixing the bug.

    3. Label Categorisation: Apply appropriate labels for better issue categorisation.

    4. Stay Engaged: Follow up on the issue and participate in discussions to assist in its resolution.


    Creating a GitHub issue for fixing a bug is a crucial aspect of collaborative development. This developer guide ensures that bug reports are well-documented and effectively communicated, contributing to the overall stability and progress of the project.

  2. Wait for it to be added to a Sprint.

    • Allow time for the identified bug fix to be scheduled and incorporated into a sprint or development cycle.
  3. Regression Test.

    • Conduct thorough regression testing to ensure the bug fix does not introduce new issues or negatively impact existing functionality.
  4. Implement Fix.

    • Make the necessary code changes to address and resolve the identified bug, following the project's coding standards and guidelines.

Make PR for Feature/Bug Fix

Committing To Project

Follow our commit message conventions.

Pull Request Template

If it has related issues, add links to the issues(like #123) in the description. Fill in the Pull Request Template by checking your case.