Developer ManualΒΆ
Welcome to the SAWPS developer manual. The manual is intended to function as a reference for the application. For narrative/workflow based tutorials, you may prefer to work through our developer guide. Here is a brief overview of the content provided here:
Activity: An application for tracking and managing various activities within a system.
Core: The central module or backbone of the system, likely containing essential functionalities and services.
Fixtures: Fixtures contain fixed data or predefined entities used for testing or demonstration purposes.
Front End: An application for a user-facing interface or presentation layer of the system, facilitating interaction and providing visual feedback.
Notifications: An application for sending alerts, updates, or messages to users, typically regarding important events or actions within the system.
Occurrence: An application for recording and analysing the frequency or instances of specific events or incidents.
Population Data: An application containing demographic information or statistics about a particular population or group.
Property: An application containing information about the properties.
Regulatory Permit: An application designed to handle permits, licenses, or regulatory compliance processes.
SAWPS An application containing information about the users.
Species A application containing information about different species, including taxonomy, characteristics, and scientific name.
Stakeholders: An application containing information about the user roles, user profile and organisations.