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Registration Page Documentation

The Registration Page is a critical component of the platform, allowing users to create their accounts and gain access to the system. This page provides a straightforward and secure registration form for new users to sign up. It collects essential user information, including first name, last name, email address, password, and confirmation of the password.

Registration Form

The Registration Form is designed to gather the necessary information for creating a user account.

Registration Form

  1. First Name: Enter the user's first name in this field. This is a required field and should contain the user's legal first name.
  2. Last Name: Provide the user's last name in this field. Similar to the first name, this is also a required field.
  3. Email Address: Input the user's valid email address. It must be a unique and valid email that the user has access to. This email address will be used for communication and account recovery.
  4. Password: Create a strong and secure password for the user's account. Users' passwords should consist of a minimum of twelve characters, including at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one numeric character, and one special character.
  5. Confirm Password: Re-enter the password the user provided in the previous field to ensure accuracy.
  6. Register Button: Click this button to submit the registration form and create the user's account.

Password Guidelines

To ensure the security of the user's account, we recommend the following password guidelines:

  • Use a minimum of 12 characters.
  • Include an uppercase (A-Z).
  • Include a lowercase (a-z).
  • Use at least one number (0-9).
  • Include at least one special character (e.g., !, @, #, $, %, etc.).

Creating a User Account

  1. Fill out all the required fields in the registration form.
  2. Double-check the user's provided information to ensure accuracy, especially the user's email and password.
  3. Click on the REGISTER button to submit the form.

Account Confirmation

After successfully registering, the user should receive an email confirmation to verify their email address. Please follow the instructions in the email to complete the registration process.

Security and Privacy

We take user security and privacy seriously. User information is encrypted and stored securely, and we do not share the user's personal data with third parties without the user's consent.


The Registration Page is the user's gateway to becoming a registered user, providing the user with access to the platform's features and functionalities. If the user encounters any issues during the registration process, they should contact the support team for assistance.