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Organisation page


  1. Dropdown: Click on the dropdown to view the organisation options.

  2. Organisation Name: Click on the name of the organisation to open organisation home page.

Every organisation can manage its organisation members via this page.

This page offers the following functionality:

  • Viewing organisation members.
  • Inviting new members to the organisation provided the user has the right permissions.
  • Deleting organisation members provided the user has the right permissions.
  • Searching to see if a member exists within an organisation.

My Profile Organisation Tab

My Profile

  1. My Profile: Click on the My Profile link to access the profile configuration page.

My Profile

  1. Organisations: Click on the ORGANISATIONS tab to perform actions related to organisations.

  2. Active: The Active button indicates the currently active organisation.

  3. Set Active: Click on the Set Active button to designate the selected organisation as the current active organisation.

  4. Organisation Name: Click on the name of the organisation to navigate to its home page.

    Organisation Home Page

  5. Read More: Click on the Read More link to explore data use permissions. Users can adjust data use permissions by toggling the provided buttons.

    Read More

    1. Update Button: After setting up new data use permissions, click the update button to save changes.
    • Upon clicking on any of the toggle buttons, the user will see the message Making changes here will not affect data that you have previously published and agreed to share under a different regime.


  6. Pagination: Click on the number to go to the preferred page.


    1. Numbers: Shows the page numbers.

Profile Dropdown


  1. Dropdown: Click on the dropdown to view the organisation options.

  2. Organisation Name: Click on the name of the organisation to open organisation home page.

Organisation home page

Organisation Home Page

  1. Organisation name: This is a heading that indicates to the user the current organisation they are viewing.
  2. Add people button: When clicked will evoke a popup modal.
  3. Members title: Shows what the section of the page contains
  4. Search box: This allows the user to search for a specific member within the members table.
  5. Rows per page: This allows the user to determine how many rows they prefer to see on a single page. This can help on smaller devices for example.
  6. Pagination: Indicates the current page the user is on. As well as the nav links to manoeuvre to the previous or next page.
  7. Invitations Table Label: This indicates to the user that the table below contains invites.
  8. Status: The invitations table has a status role that shows whether the individual who has been invited has joined that organisation yet.

Add people popup modal

Organisation Page 3

  1. Email address field: the user should provide the email address of the individual they wish to invite to the organisation.
  2. Invite as field: the user should specify if the individual they’re inviting will have a manager or member role within the organisation.
  3. Invite button: when clicked will send the invitation to the individual being invited to the organisation. A success message (example below) will show if the email has been sent.

Organisation Page 4

Email invitation

Email Invitation Email: The individual being invited to the organisation will receive this email.

Organisation Page 5

  1. Register button: The individual being invited should click the register button, and they will be redirected to the website to complete their registration.

New member registration page

Organisation Page 6

  • New member on platform: If the individual is a new member on the platform, they will be taken through the normal registration and added to the organisation.
  • Member already registered on platform: If the individual is not new on the platform they will just be registered on to the organisation they are being invited.
  • Registration Complete: Once the registration is complete the individual invited will be able to log in and see their new organisation under accessible organisations.