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SAWPS profile page

The Profile tab is the first tab on the profile configuration page. The page consists of the following components with the following functionality.

Profile Page

  1. The profile tab: A tab that displays the user profile information.
  2. Profile picture: An area that displays the uploaded profile image.
  3. Upload profile picture link: Opens the upload profile picture popup (see profile picture popup).
  4. Update password button: Opens the update password form for the user to make a new password for the platform (see update password form).
  5. First name field: A text field for the user to add their first name which is saved to the database.
  6. Last name field: A text field for the user to add their last name which is saved to the database.
  7. Title dropdown: A drop-down for the user to select their title which is saved to the database.
  8. Email address field: A text field for the user to add their email address which is saved to the database.
  9. Update button: When clicked all changes made to the profile page field are saved to the database.

Profile picture popup

The profile picture popup appears when the Upload profile picture link is clicked in the profile tab of the profile configuration page.

Profile picture popup

  1. Popup title: Shows what the popup is for
  2. Upload file button: This goes to the system file browser for the user to select an image for the profile picture.
  3. Upload button: Uploads the image to the platform associated with that user.

Update password form

The update password form opens when the update password button is clicked on the profile tab in the profile configuration page.

Update Password

  1. Current Password: The field where the user must input their current password.
  2. New Password: The field where the user must input their new password.
  3. Confirm New Password: The field where the user must confirm their new password.
  4. SAVE Button: The button that the user must click to save their updated password.