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8. Add record to the table

8.1 Add User

Add user

The administrators will be presented with a form to enter the user's information. Here are the fields to fill in:

  1. Username: Administrators should enter a unique username for the new user. It should be 150 characters, or less, and may contain only letters, digits, and the characters '@', '.', '+', '-', and '_'.

  2. Password: Administrators should create a strong password for the user.

  3. Password Confirmation: Administrators should re-enter the same password for verification.

  4. Save: Save the current record, then redirect to the Django Admin Table/record list.

  5. Save and add another: Save the current record, then redirect to a new page to add a new record.

  6. Save and continue editing: Save the current record while still showing the current record.

8.2 Add R Model Record

Add R Model

Form Fields: Researchers have the ability to create a new R Model record by filling out the form fields. The following fields are available for input:

  • Name: A unique identifier for the R Model.
  • Version: The version number of the R Model.
  • Code: The R code used to produce plant/no plant signals.
  • Notes: Additional comments or notes about the R Model.

  • Created On: The date and time the R Model was created. Researchers can select the date from the calendar or set it to the current date by clicking on the Today button. The time can be set by clicking on the clock icon or set to the current time by clicking on the Now button.

  • Created By: A dropdown menu listing the available researchers who can create R Models.

  • Updated On: The date and time the R Model was last updated. Researchers can select the date from the calendar or set it to the current date by clicking on the Today button. The time can be set by clicking on the clock icon or set to the current time by clicking on the Now button.

  • Updated By: A dropdown menu listing the available researchers who can update R Models.


Fill all the required fields to save the r model record otherwise it will throw an error.


  1. R MODEL OUTPUTS: Click on the dropdown to select the type and enter the name into the variable name field.

  2. Save: This option saves the new R Model record and redirects administrators to the Django Admin Table/record list.

  3. Save and Add Another: This option saves the new R Model record and redirects administrators to a new page to add another R Model record.

  4. Save and Continue Editing: Choosing this option saves the new R Model record while still displaying the current record for further editing.

By following these steps, researchers can efficiently create and manage R Model records within the GAP Admin interface.