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7. Django Tables

7.1 User Table

User Table

The user table within the Django Admin interface allows administrators to manage user-related tasks efficiently.

  1. Add User: Clicking on the ADD USER button allows administrators to add a new user. Click on add user to see detailed documentation on adding a new user.

  2. Filter: Available filters to filter the records of the user table.

    • Filters

    • Clear All Filters: Clicking on the clear all filters allows administrators to clear all the filters.

    • Filter Field: The names of the filter field and attributes for filtering the records.

  3. Search Functionality: The administrators can search the records using the search functionality.

  4. User Table: The user table with records.

  5. Edit User: Clicking on the object allows the administrators to change or edit a particular record. Click here to view detailed documentation on editing a user.

7.2 R Model Table

The R Model table within the GAP Admin interface allows researchers to manage and track different versions of the R code used to produce plant/no plant signals.

R Table

  1. Add R Model: Clicking on the ADD R MODEL button allows researchers to add a new version of the R code. Click here to see detailed documentation on adding a new R model.

  2. R Model Table: The R Model table with records, displaying information such as the version number, description, and date added.

  3. Action Dropdown: The Action dropdown of the R Model table and allows researchers to perform various actions on the records. To access the Action Dropdown, click on the dropdown.


    Performing Actions: To perform an action on a record, follow these steps:

    • Select Records: Check the box available in front of the records to perform the action on.

    • Choose Action: Select the desired action from the dropdown menu.

    • Go Button: Click on the Go button to execute the chosen action.

    The available actions include:

    • Delete selected r model: Permanently remove the selected record(s) from the R Model table.

    • Restart plumber process: Restarts the plumber process.

  4. Edit R Model: Clicking on the object allows researchers to change or edit a particular version of the R code. Click here to view detailed documentation on editing an R model.

7.3 Auth Model Table

Auth model table

  1. Add Auth Token: Clicking on the 1️⃣ ADD Auth Token button allows researchers to add a new token to auth model. Click here to see detailed documentation on adding a new Auth Token.

  2. Auth Model Table: The Auth Model table with records, displaying information such as the Digest, User, Created date and Expiry date.

  3. Action Dropdown: The Action dropdown of the Auth model table allows user to perform various actions on the records. To access the Action Dropdown, click on the dropdown.

    Dropdown menu

    Perform Action: To perform an action on a record, follow these steps :

    • Select Records: Check the box available in front of the records to perform the action on.

    • Choose Action: Select the desired action from the dropdown menu.

    • Go Button: Click on the Go button to execute the chosen action.

    The available actions include:

    • Delete selected auth tokens: Permanently remove the selected record(s) from the Auth Model table.
  4. Edit Auth Model: Clicking on the object allows user to modify or edit a specific Auth Model table record. Click here to view detailed documentation on editing an Auth Model.