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1. Quick installation

1.1 Quick installation

1.1.1 Production

git submodule update
git clone https://github.com/kartoza/tomorrownow_gap
cp deployment/.template.env deployment/.env
cp deployment/docker-compose.override.template deployment/docker-compose.template
make up

The web will be available at

To stop containers:

make kill

To stop and delete containers:

make down

1.1.2 Development

git submodule update
git clone https://github.com/kartoza/tomorrownow_gap
cp deployment/.template.env deployment/.env
cp deployment/docker-compose.override.template deployment/docker-compose.template

After that, do

  • open new terminal
  • on folder root of project, do
make serve

Wait until it is done when there is sentence "webpack xxx compiled successfully in xxx ms".
After that, don't close the terminal. If it is accidentally closed, do make serve again

Next step:

  • Open new terminal
  • Do commands below
make up
make dev

Wait until it is on.

The web can be accessed using http://localhost:5000/

If the web is taking long time to load, restart tomorrownow_gap_dev_1 container.
The sequence should be make dev, after that run or restart tomorrownow_gap_dev_1.