Obtaining free fonts for your projects

Obtaining free fonts for your projects

Obtaining free fonts for your projectsΒΆ

There are two great sources of free fonts that you can use for your projects:

http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/freefont/freefont-ttf-20120503.zip https://fonts.google.com/

There is a makefile target that can be run with:

make get-fonts

That will fetch all of these fonts for you. If you also fetch these fonts on your local machine and place them in your ~/.fonts folder then you can use them in your local QGIS projects, know they will also be available to QGIS server if you publish that project as a web map.

Note: This and other makefile targets assume that you have not changed the COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=osgisstack environment variable in .env.

Note: The above make command fetches a rather large download!