Here follows the list of example workflows that are available in the OSGS stack.
- Items with a (PR) suffix can be considered production ready.
- Items with a (TODO) suffix have yet to be written.
- Accessing PostGIS from QGIS using a pg_service file
- Creating an Open Street Map mirror into your database
- Publishing layers using GeoServer
- Publishing a QGIS project using a connection service file
- Uploading a QGIS project
- QGIS Desktop as a Web Services Client
- Authentication of Postgres using a pg_service file and a qgis-auth.db file.
- Publishing changes to the static website - TODO
- Connecting to Geoserver and QGIS Server in Hugo - TODO
- Node-red workflow that accesses data in Postgres
- Node-red point layer to world map
- Node-red connect to the PostgREST API - TODO
- Set up process for pg notify - TODO
- Mergin-db-sync client workflow 1 - TODO
- Mergin-db-sync client Workflow 2 - TODO
- OSM enrich workflow - TODO
- PostgreSQL Workflows - PR
- Setting up access permissions for users in File Browser